Here's a Classical Argumentative Essay Outline Template for you:

In an argumentative essay, you must address the opposing side's on the matter. Believe it or not, this will make your own argument stronger. It demonstrates you're not blind to the issue and are prepared to stand strong. Here, you'll state an opposing view (or more) and then refute it. You might use to do this.

It is wise to begin with the fundamental principles whenever possible. Argumentative academic essays are a great way to voice your thoughts on a hot-button issue and convince your audience that you’re right. The point is to show that what you’re saying is accurate and that others should follow your lead by presenting proof to back up your statements.

The is where you'll summarize the main idea of your argument. In a way, it's a mirror of your thesis statement. Of course, you don't want to repeat your thesis statement word-for-word, but it can be similar. Summarize your claims as concisely as possible and then close the essay. You can end with a rhetorical question or thought-provoking statement.

Argumentative Essay Outline Example

After gathering all of the necessary research, the next step in composing an argumentative essay focuses on organizing the information through the use of an outline:

Argumentative essay isn’t as complicated to write as it sounds, all you have to do is to follow the simple outline provided above. The primary idea behind this kind of essay writing is presenting and developing an argument using solid evidence to back up your point of view. It’s a marvelous opportunity to show the vast knowledge about the subject and demonstrate writing skills. You don’t have to wait for the assignment, you care about and start practicing.

With this statement Powell is telling the audience of his autobiography that it does not necessarily matter how many facts you have, and how many things you know.

A simple argument essay outline begins with a . Pick a stance you'll feel confident and passionate about. If you're unsure of the best topic, try viewing . Something listed there might spark a fire in you.

Argumentative Essay Outline Example College

The introduction is well-structured, you’ve elaborated your claims with evidence as well as opponents’ arguments (with proof of course), and you’re ready to conclude the essay. Unfortunately, the power of well-written conclusion is underestimated in essay writing, but the wrong conclusion can ruin your entire work. This is something you don’t want to happen, right? Your conclusion should be comprised of three different parts:

Argumentative Essay Outline Sample

Regardless of the topic, you have (or choose) and the stand you take, there’s always the opposite side. State the opponents’ views and use the evidence, reliable sources to debunk or refute them. Just like with the previous section, for every opposing argument, you also have to elaborate why it’s wrong and support it with evidence. This way, your reader is more convinced that claims you made are, indeed, correct. The importance of this section is in the fact it shows two sides of the coin while still giving you the opportunity to elaborate why you’re right. Plus, it is considered unethical to exclude arguments that aren’t supportive of the thesis or claims you made.

English Regents Argumentative Essay Outline

Although argumentative essays are full of facts, statistics, and data, they are opinion-based. The thing about opinions is that not everyone's going to agree with you. That's why it's important to stand strong in your convictions and do your research. This will allow you to feel confident that you're not stepping out in ignorance on a hot button topic.

Argumentative Essay Outline AP Lang

What most people forget about argumentative essay writing is that you can’t spend the entire time talking about your arguments and piling on evidence one after another. The isn’t about proving you’re right in many different ways. Where’s the argument in that? After making your claims, elaborating them with evidence, you are ready to move on to the third section of the outline where you’ll name the opposing arguments and debunk them.

MLA Argumentative Essay Outline

Every claim you make throughout the essay has to be supported by evidence. You have to prove to the reader that claims you make are valid and accurate, the only way to do so is to incorporate reliable, trustworthy evidence based on facts, studies, statistics, and so on. It’s important to bear in mind that evidence is not anecdote or personal knowledge you just happen to possess on a given subject. The evidence is the result of a thorough research on the topic. Once you create the essay outline, you’ll get the idea of claims you’re going to make, then start researching to find enough evidence to support them. Research is one of the most crucial aspects of essay writing, besides giving you material to support your claims it also aims to help you debunk opponents’ arguments.