To make a hook for an argumentative essay you need to:

A metaphor uses figurative language to evoke a deeper meaning. It’s an ideal hook for abstract essays and themes. It doesn’t typically work for research papers and essays, but it might work in English class.

Some of the best attention-grabbing hooks are statistical. They effectively engage the reader and set the scene, especially for research papers. They also give context to your essay and its importance.

All the example hooks we provided above will work well in different types of essays. Choosing the right one for your essays can attract attention and establish the background needed. A persuasive first line can make all the difference.

Check out these hooks for essays examples:

For the first one I’ll choose the first type of hook (for me it’s the easiest): “How can you be sure that when it comes to success, luck isn’t so important” or sth like this.

A short story hook is a fantastic way to set the scene for your argumentative essays in an interesting way. This works particularly well for expository essays, where you can play with the tone and style.

Good writing starts with a good first sentence. The first sentence of an essay is an important one. It is an opportunity to grab the reader's attention and make them want to read more. This is called the hook. A good hook for an essay catches the reader's attention and gets them interested in your topic. Let's go over the different types of hooks and the helpful ways to write them.

A strong argumentative essay hook could be a provocative question, a surprising fact related to your stance, or a bold claim that introduces your main argument.

Here are some examples of hooks that you can use for your :

To write a hook, start by considering your audience and the tone of your essay. Choose a hook style, such as a fact or question, that aligns with your topic and engages your readers.

Let's look at some examples of a great hook sentence here!

A good hook grabs attention and makes the reader want to continue. Examples include an interesting fact, a question, a bold statement, or a short anecdote.

Here are some hook question examples:

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How do I write a hook for an essay?

And remember, our is here to help whenever you need it. From providing insights into expertly crafted hooks to offering full essay examples, we're ready to support you as you learn and grow as a writer.

What is a good hook for an essay?

Using descriptive imagery can make for a persuasive hook if done properly. Let’s say you’re writing an argumentative essay about implementing stricter environmental regulations. You could begin your paper with a description hook, like this:

How do I write a hook for an argumentative essay?

Think about when someone has an argument with someone else. There is usually one person for one side of the topic and the other person is against it. However, in an argumentative essay there is only one person, not two writing the paper; therefore, the writer argues for and against the topic they choice. To obtain and excellent argumentation the writer should choose a topic that can be refuted, have a hook, and claims with evidence. To begin an argumentation essay, choose a topic. If the writer chooses a topic that cannot be refuted, then the argumentation essay would be difficult and almost impossible. The topic should be recent and have many social contrasts. For example, choosing a topic about if cats are an animal or not. There is no question if they are not, because it has been proven they are; therefore, it cannot be refuted. However, choosing a topic on if stricter gun control should be in America; this topic is excellent because it can be refuted and supported.

How do I start a hook for an essay?

Now, you know how to write a strong hook that keeps readers interested in your work from the first line. With these hook examples, you can go beyond just writing a good paper—you could even craft a standout that really impresses!