But in an essay, there is no need to bold or italicize book names.

The Chicago Manual of Style says that a book title cited in full in the notes or bibliography may be shortened in the text (e.g., a subtitle may be omitted).

I am using CMOS to format my thesis. I mention a lot of book/article titles in the text and many of the books/articles have very long titles, often composed of two parts, like for example:

The information written on this page has been excerpted from the handbook:
Troyaka, L. Q. (1998).
Quick Access: Reference for Writers. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall.
American Psychological Association. (2001).
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Updated January 28, 2005 by Renee Brown

How to Write a Book Title in Essay [Examples]

Since Gone with the Wind is the title of a novel, if you were to include this essay in your works-cited list, you would set it in italics instead of enclosing it in quotation marks:

The site is very useful, thanks! I was wondering how one is expected to reference a book that is currently being written (that is, it is not even “in press” yet).
Many thanks in advance!

The answer depends on which style guide you choose to follow. We suggest you visit the Purdue Owl page on , and select a style guide to follow. Titles of books are italicized. See our post for more information.

Regarding the ellipsis, The Chicago Manual of Style’s rule 13.51 says, “A period is added before an ellipsis to indicate the omission of the end of a sentence, unless the sentence is deliberately incomplete.” In our Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, we recommend sticking with the simpler three-dot method. We also note that writers and editors follow various different practices when using ellipses.

How to Cite a Book Title in APA, MLA or Chicago | EasyBib

In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of writing a book title in an essay is an important skill for any writer. By mastering the diverse formatting rules of style guides, you’ll meet academic standards and infuse your work with professionalism. As you embark on your next writing journey, remember that precision matters.

Would I italicize the name of a book/short story in an essay title?

Yes. A title within a title should be styled according to the guidelines in section 1.2.4 of the MLA Handbook, regardless of how a title within a title is styled in the source.

How to Cite a Book in APA Style

The Chicago Manual of Style advises that titles of book series are capitalized but not italicized or quoted, and that book titles be in italics. The Associated Press Stylebook places book titles in quotation marks.

How to Reference a Print Book – Harvard Style

How do you punctuate a book title when a character in a story is speaking and says the name of a book?
Since the entire sentence is in italics do I enclose the book’s title inside apostrophes?

How to list books in an essay (in-text)

I’m so grateful to have found this site! I wonder if you can help me out; I have searched all over the internet and can’t find the answer to my question. It’s probably out there (it is the internet, after all), but in any case, if I want to reference, in a single sentence, both the title of a book series as well as one of the books in the series, what are the rules? Do I italicize the series title and put the book title (which I know is normally italicized) in quotes?

How do you reference a book in an essay

When writing essays in APA style, formatting book titles correctly is crucial for clarity and to adhere to academic standards. Book titles should be italicized to distinguish them from other text types like articles or chapters. This helps in clearly identifying the works being discussed or cited within the academic or research context.