Essay on Domestic Violence | LW252 - Criminal Law B - Notre Dame ....

Psychological factors that may contribute to domestic violence include: low self-esteem, poor mental health, lack of impulse control, substance abuse, and personality disorders. When a person has low self-esteem, it means that they have difficulty seeing themselves as worthwhile and deserving of the respect of others. This can lead to a pattern of needing to put down or be aggressive towards others in order to feel more powerful. Poor mental health includes conditions such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. Mental illnesses of this sort can cause the sufferer to lose touch with their own needs or the needs of others, and perhaps become more prone to aggression. Lack of impulse control means that a person finds it hard to resist immediate urges and desires; if those immediate urges are violent, then someone lacking in impulse control is more likely to behave aggressively. Alcohol and drug misuse can be linked to domestic violence, as being intoxicated does not cause violent behavior, but it may impair judgment and reduce the inhibitions that would normally prevent someone from being violent. Finally, personality disorders can lead to domestic violence. These conditions, such as narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder, can cause long-term patterns of behavior which are very difficult to change. It is important to note that there is no causal link between psychological illness and domestic violence. However, findings from research can help to understand the risk factors and effective responses to domestic violence. Every individual is responsible for their behavior. People who are violent in their family are making a choice to exercise power and control over their partner or partners. It can seem that the person doesn't know what they are doing and their behavior is out of control but this is rarely the case. On the other hand, psychological well-being is critical for recovery from intimate partner violence. Most of the research literature had focused on the psychological effects of violence because the individuals respond and recover in unique and individualistic ways. A summary of the article is displayed below.

Attention Grabber: Did you know that 1 in every 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime? Or that 85% of domestic violence victims are women? Or even the terrifying fact that every 9 seconds a woman is battered? Domestic violence is described as a pattern of controlling behaviors that one partner uses to gain power over the other.…

Domestic Violence is the control of one partner over another in dating, marital or live in relationships. In addition, Domestic Violence is a pervasive and life-threatening crime effecting millions of individuals across our nation. Domestic violence occurs within every culture and age group. It affects people from all socioeconomic, educational, and religious backgrounds and takes place in same sex as well as in heterosexual relationships.

Essays On Domestic Violence In The United States.

Domestic violence, a multifaceted issue encompassing a range of abusive behaviors, has concerned American society for centuries. The government recognizes the extensive nature of domestic violence, given the various forms of crimes it encompasses. These include, but are not limited to, sexual, verbal, physical, and emotional abuses. National statistics indicate that women and children are disproportionately affected by domestic violence. The consequences for victims are severe, impacting mental, physical, sexual, and reproductive health, leading to issues such as unintended pregnancies, […]

There are people in the world that get beaten and yelled at every day. These people cringe or scream every time they are abused. Their heart beats fast because they are so scared. Domestic violence is a big conflict in today’s world. It is everywhere and there are many victims of it.…

Domestic violence is a private issue which many people are not capable of saying what is going on. Domestic violence doesn’t only mean when someone hits another person but, it also means when someone uses a loud voice, yells, and uses aggressive behavior abuses another person and financially dependent. There are many types of domestic violence regarding to an abuse as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, economic abuse and psychological abuse. Many victims think that Domestic Violence is something that their partner or family member will stop doing at some point, but no. Domestic violence is a serious issue that might cause a homicide, and the destruction of the family.…

Domestic violence is usually displayed with someone uses behavior that is violent, threatening, intimidating, controlling or intended to cause harm on a family member or another person within the home. Victims live in fear for themselves and or family members even if they are no longer in the relationship. It usually happens within all types of relationships current or past intimate, co-habiting, guardians or even step family members.

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Free Essay Example.

Another significant cause of domestic violence is the economic insecurity of the victim. It doesn't matter if the victim is wealthy. This is because a person that the entire life has been manipulated through behavior of control can also be controlled through intimidating runaway or threatening to take care of a child support of the spousal. The abusers can either find a job that the victim has and then make their life miserable through doing their level best to put tension and complicate things at the workplace that they work in, so that they could eventually lead to the fact that one or both of them might leave the job. Many victims stay in the abusive relationship as a result of lacking personal resources. The reason why it is an element is because the abuser may take power and control in abusing the victim and may not guess on any of the other actions. Women who live their life in poverty and do not have a job year and years are likely to develop such syndrome as "battered women's syndrome". Battered women's syndrome is a physical and also psychological condition that predicts the emotional distress that came from the physical battering which is a symptom as depression. The term "battered women's syndrome" was first coined in 1977 by Lenore E. Walker and this harmful things that happened to a battered spouse. Battered women may experience a cycle of violence in the abusive relationship. Many women live life in fear and some of them tried to end their life. Some of these symptoms of a battered woman's syndrome are most important of all whenever we discussed the economic conditions as a cause which are injured child, unemployment, imprisonment, and health problems such as chronic headache. People who are affected by these symptoms often have ups and downs and they have problems in maintaining a healthy relationship. Also, they may find problems getting help from others too. Economic factors in agents who serve as a means intended to make people do a victim in their life through their possessions. A siuft experience helps the victims to be aware that economic abuse is taking place. It also provides the support and resources necessary to press changes in the victim's life, such as finding appropriate housing, job training and assistance, and intake to help the victim in financial independence, counseling, and helps them to work with others to promote social changes that decrease the social acceptance of and belief in the powers of abuse. Economic abuse can also occur to some elderly people, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable adults. In such situations, economic abuse can be a form of neglect, for example when a caregiver, as a result of their description of another person's resources, uses them for the caregiver's own uses.

Domestic Violence Essay | Year 12 HSC - Legal Studies | Thinkswap.

Domestic Violence has resulted in the injuries of nearly two million people and the death of 1,300 people each year. The definition of domestic violence is said to be a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner in any relationship in order to gain or maintain power and control other their intimate partner. It could also be physical, sexual, economic, psychological, or emotional actions or threats of action that influence another person. Domestic violence victims are both women and men. Women make up 85 percent, and often when men are victims, it is a result of women trying to defend themselves. Additionally, domestic violence includes any and all behavior that manipulate, isolate, terrorize, threaten, blame, injure,