Personal Essay on Natural Hair as a Form of Resistance

It may be hard to believe, but I wasn’t always this bald and beautiful. I, like many other young men, was a victim of a vicious receding hairline. Me being so young, I fell victim to a plethora of cruel jokes, I mean let’s face it, not many sixteen-year-old girls swoon over a young boy with the hairline like their fathers. I was constantly ragged on by family, friends, strangers, and anyone else with a working pair of eyes. Thus, I grew to be very self-conscious about my hairline, or lack thereof. Then that all changed one day with a mirror and a razor. Looking back at it, I can’t help but laugh and smile when I think about the days when all I wanted was a full head of hair.

Whether you fondly remember your grandma braiding your hair or you always connected with your dad because you were the only two in the family with curly hair, using your hair as a way to talk about a close relationship can be an impactful college essay topic.

Don't ask what business an Indian girl with my hair had getting a white American pageboy 'do. It was wrong, I realize that now. But I remember after getting that cut, my hair began to freely express her emotions and moods. It was like she had woken from a long, deep slumber. Maybe it was the shorter length, maybe it was a natural development phase. It's not clear why she chose to stage her debut at that point. But one thing was clear, she was not going to do whatever I wanted her to.

Speaking About My Hair and Its Connection to My Identity

Chris Rock’s documentary, Good Hair, investigates the notion of what good hair is. Dominant society views good hair as straight or essentially caucasian hair. This is not only problematic to the self-esteem and confidence of black women, but it can also cause black women to appropriate Asian culture. Black women unfortunately take advantage of Asian culture in search of what society believes is good hair. Many black women wear weaves in order to align to what society believes is good hair. However, when they buy this hair, they do not realize what Asians go through. Likewise, Asians who give up their hair do not know where or who this hair will be going to. Thus, this desire for good hair further perpetuates the lack of understanding that black

Let’s say you’re applying for a competitive engineering program. You have great supplementals, solid activities, and an outstanding transcript. But you decided to write your personal statement about what it’s like to have curly hair.

Is that your natural hair?"

"Wow, what amazing hair!"

"You should wear your hair like that more!"

My eyes widened in shock every time someone commented on my hair.

This was my favorite essay and video so far. I liked how you talked about the connection between you and your hair and then you, your hair and your mom I loved that little tutorial at the end it was truly inspiring. We need to talk about that because I need help.

Essay: Dont Touch My Hair | San Diego Magazine

Curly, straight, frizzy, sleek, short, long, voluminous, thin—there are so many ways to describe hair. The topic can actually make for fantastic material for creative writing.

Memories In Strands. An Igby Prize entry essay on hair and…

You correctly indicated in the opening paragraph that this essay would be about your hair and then went into detail as to why your red hair was such a significant part of who you are in a believable way.

A Korean kids essay about black hair..

When challenges stay on the surface level, they leave admissions officers asking, “So what?” So what if you go gum in your hair? So what if you changed your signature style and had to wait a couple weeks for people to get used to it?

Essay About Hair : r/ApplyingToCollege

This research aims to discover the motives of black women and their hair/hairstyles they choose. In an attempt to answer this question, I observed a salon that dealt with a predominantly black female clientele. While there, I noted the dynamics between the hairdressers and the clients: whether the stylist have an input/impact on what hairstyles are chosen, what are the intentions or goals of the women when they choose a style?, and what the style the majority of them gravitate towards? It was a very friendly atmosphere so I was able to interact with both the customers and the clients and obtain more information beyond the physical/visual aspect of the environment.

[PHOTO ESSAY] A hair-raising tradition (that seems to work)

Connecting your hair to a deeper part of your lived experience answers the “So what?” question up front. Don’t leave your admissions officer guessing.

Dont Touch My Hair!. An Essay on How I Learned to Love My… |

How to Braid Hair Picture this, you are getting ready to go out with your friends, you are running late and you have no idea what you are going to do with your messy hair! Instead of going through the hassle and whipping out your straightener or curling iron, there is an easy solution. Not only something that is quick and easy, but cute! Put it in a braid. First things first what you want to do before you get started on anything, you are going to want to get a few beauty supplies.…