Question 2. What are the characteristics of multiculturalism?

Whatever is your idea, make sure that you have proper evidences and solid reasoning to support the same. These topics are the kind that depends upon your creativity rather than the research or interviews. Thus, you should highly rely on your previous readings and what you have perceived around you. In this highly competitive and globalized world, the existence of diverse population in the society is inevitable.

Multiculturalism means respect to the people of other races, culture, nations, etc. It attempts to bring home the idea that every individual is equal disregard to his or her identity. Also, tolerance and cooperation with the other is important to live in the society with harmony. However, over emphasis on multiculturalism could also mean going against certain groups. With so many different people around us living together, sharing same neighborhood, there certainly is a necessity to deal with multiculturalism. Thus, the issues about it abound and we need to be perceptive enough to be able to craft an essay that is sure to get proper attention from the readers.

For example: “While cultural diversity creates a lot of problems, multiculturalism that encourages every culture and discovers new ways to fight prejudice can be the best solution.” The body of an essay is the most significant part of it.

Question 3. What are the benefits of multiculturalism?

The existence of mutually respecting groups gets us much but not all of the way there. The important question is how such groups interact. What is required is an identification with a whole beyond the parts. Henry James's yearning for a "close and sweet and whole national consciousness" need not be seen as either overly romantic or nativist. If one believes that the idea of the American nation is worth preserving, there must be a coming together, a common ground, for society's constituent parts. A cultural unity is not in the cards, and a mutual commitment to liberal political principles including diversity-although important-produces a thin unity that may be little more than an agreement to disagree, tolerance without mutuality. What the unum has a right to ask of the pluribus, to use Lawrence Fuchs's figure, is that groups identify themselves as American. To be sure, there may be significant disagreement over what it means to see oneself as an "American." But the central idea is that a person be committed to this country's continued flourishing and see himself or herself as part of that ongoing project. The allegiance, the common identification, need not be exclusive, but it must be paramount.

This essay will firstly give a brief description of Australian immigration history along with earlier policies and the phase of multiculturalism that was dominant for several decades as well as look at government practices and changes in immigration policies before during and after Howard government.

Past policies have been deficiently focused because there is no clear consensus in Britain what equal opportunity and multiculturalism mean either in ideological or practical terms.

Bourne identified two elements that were crucial to the "effective integration" of the various cultures meeting in the United States. The first was a cosmopolitan outlook, which included "an intellectual sympathy which is not satisfied until it has got at the heart of the different cultural expressions, and felt as they feel." The second was the end of prejudice against non-Anglo-Saxon cultures. These elements constitute a principle of mutuality, based on empathy and nondiscrimination. Mutuality is distinct from tolerance, which is a live-and-let-live concept that requires distance, sometimes privacy. Mutuality demands active engagement, learning about others in their own terms-not a suspension of judgment, but judgment based on information and interaction. Tolerance is a politics of peaceful coexistence; mutuality is a politics of recognition. Recognition changes the observer. This is the lesson and promise of multiculturalism that has gotten lost in the culture wars. Largeness of mind, in Clifford Geertz's terms, comes from seeing ourselves as a "case among cases, a world among worlds"; without this recognition of others, "objectivity is self-congratulation and tolerance a sham."

Multiculturalism In Australia Essay.

Writing an essay on multiculturalism requires navigating its complex layers and presenting a well-rounded perspective that understands historical contexts and societal implications. It demands thorough research on the evolution of multicultural societies, challenges they face, and benefits they provide. Additionally, one must examine the balance between cultural identities and societal unity. Expressing these ideas coherently requires strong analytical thinking, synthesizing information from various sources and viewpoints, and constructing a clear argument. Despite these challenges, writing on multiculturalism can provide an intellectually stimulating opportunity to engage with important issues and foster deeper cultural understanding.

Argumentative Essay-Multiculturalism

Regardless of your weakness, our platform created a way of helping you. You can sharpen your essay skills by learning from any relevant sample essay on multiculturalism. Read on to discover how best to benefit.

Argumentative Essay-Multiculturalism

Writing a perfect multiculturalism argumentative essay lets readers appreciate the beauty of a multicultural society. Following its open-door policy, America has become a multicultural civilization with rich cultural diversity. The cultural differences among its people require proper multicultural education and cultural studies. Fortunately, a well-drafted multiculturalism essay promotes cross-cultural harmony and integration in society. Your educational assignment may also boost American studies on multicultural tolerance among different ethnic groups.

Argumentative Essay-Multiculturalism

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