Why or why not?" Should Marijuana be legal?

Marijuana. This is a very known term and drug used nowadays. The definition of Marijuana is: "". It is a very common topic today, because there is a constant debate on if it should be allowed to be legalized or not. Some people want to legalize it so they don 't have to hide it from authorities or for medicinal purposes; but in my opinion, it shouldn 't be legalized because it is a very potent and damaging substance. Marijuana is a very big menace to society. There are many reasons to agree or disagree with the legalization of this powerful drug, but there are a few reasons that offer more than adequate information on why I believe that this drug should not be legalized. One key factor for being against it is that it is very dangerous for the users. Even though many don 't realize it, it damages your organs and body and it can kill you. Some people may say, "but Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco." Yes, it may seem like it 's less dangerous, but it is scientifically proven that in the long run, it is as or even more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco. Statistics show that compared to tobacco smoke, Marijuana smoke can deposit 4 times as much tar in your airways and carry 5 times as much poisonous carbon

To summarize, I believe that Marijuana should not be legalized because it affects many people and it is literally a death sentence for first hand consumers and many second-hand smokers as well. It is very toxic to your body. It is much more dangerous than a simple cigarette, it hurts teens and young adults very badly, and many lives could be at risk for having your judgment impaired. As mentioned before, Marijuana is a huge menace to society and I strongly believe that it shouldn 't be legalized. Because of the damage it can cause to first-hand consumers and second-hand smokers, is the reason why Christians avoid its use, particularly since God 's Word says in 2 Corinthians 7:1- "[...] let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh

Marijuana is a magical plant that has been used and accepted in every culture it had been introduced in up until it was made illegal in the United States. In fact, after declared illegal, the use of it greatly increased and has been rising ever since. It's legalization is sweeping the world, and now in California marijuana is a legal, regulated substance available to those over 21. I've heard some false information going around and I'd like to clear the air about it. These are the raw facts with absolutely no bias. Myth: Marijuana is extremely addictive. Long term marijuana users grow dependent, suffer from withdrawal, and often need professional drug treatment to break their marijuana habits. Fact: There is no physical addiction to marijuana.

Title: Should marijuana be legalised?

Once you have completed a first draft, take the time to edit and revise your essay. Look for spelling and grammar errors, as well as any areas where your argument could be strengthened or clarified. Consider seeking feedback from a teacher or peer to help you improve your essay.
With these tips in mind, you can create a compelling argument against the legalization of marijuana.

With the pressure to legalize marijuana rise for government officials, protesters argue that decriminalizing marijuana would help society and benefit the people living in the Unites States. In states that have already legalized marijuana, it has been documented and proven that marijuana usage has been higher than before legalization, even if the consequences were very severe (“Marijuana Decriminalization”). If people are so highly dedicated to continuingcontinue using marijuana, even with their lives and future at stake, what could stop them? Marijuana has been proven to be a “gateway” drug, therefore, if marijuana were to be legalized, eventually other harmful substances could be legalized as well causing many deaths and various forms of

To add, recreational marijuana is taxable! Therefore, it is money that can be put into our communities. Recreational marijuana as intimidating as some may think, can actually benefit our community in many ways. To begin, many believe legalizing marijuana would cause crime to increase, on the contrary legalizing it will lead to a decrease of crime. Imagine that getting your hands on marijuana was as accessible as cigarettes in a gas station, how many illegal cigarette dealers have been punished in jail with the maximum sentence for selling cigarettes?

To add, recreational marijuana is taxable! Therefore, it is money that can be put into our communities. Recreational marijuana as intimidating as some may think, can actually benefit our community in many ways. To begin, many believe legalizing marijuana would cause crime to increase, on the contrary legalizing it will lead to a decrease of crime. Imagine that getting your hands on marijuana was as accessible as cigarettes in a gas station, how many illegal cigarette dealers have been punished in jail with the maximum sentence for selling cigarettes?

Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Essay

Public opinion about legalizing marijuana, while little changed in the past few years, has undergone a dramatic long-term shift. A new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana, while 44% are opposed. As recently as 2006, just 32% supported marijuana legalization, while nearly twice as many (60%) were opposed.

Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legal Essay Sample

Pot pushers also offer pie-in-the-sky economic arguments on behalf of their cause. Taxes collected from marijuana sales will easily outweigh the social costs of legalization, they say.

Why Marijuanas Should not Be Legal Essay

Millennials (currently 18-34) have been in the forefront of this change: 68% favor legalizing marijuana use, by far the highest percentage of any age cohort. But across all generations –except for the Silent Generation (ages 70-87) – support for legalization has risen sharply over the past decade.

What are some good reasons why marijuana should not be ..

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted March 25-29 among 1,500 adults, finds that supporters of legalizing the use of marijuana are far more likely than opponents to say they have changed their mind on this issue.

[PDF] Should marijuana be legalized in the United States?

Among the public overall, 30% say they support legalizing marijuana use and have always felt that way, while 21% have changed their minds; they say there was a time when they thought it should be illegal. By contrast, 35% say they oppose legalization and have always felt that way; just 7% have changed their minds from supporting to opposing legalization.