Here are some more extended definition essay topics:
In this article, our will show you step-by-step instructions on how to write a definition essay. We'll give you practical advice and examples that make it easy to write a strong essay that people will find interesting and clear.
For example, a writer might need to define "networking" to someone unfamiliar with the concept of business or the term "organic" to someone new to healthy eating. If a writer calls a friend "ambitious," the friend might ask for the definition of that word. People might also debate the meaning of the word "success" even if they have similar goals. Clearly, definitions are crucial for clear communication and definition essays help readers see beyond the basic dictionary definition, allowing them to fully understand the term or concept being discussed.
A definition essay has a basic structure: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. What makes it engaging is how you explore the term in the body paragraphs.
Here are the steps of how to write a definition essay:
While analyzing the concept of business ethics it is important to understand that businesses need to balance their own corporate gains and potential long-term benefits from ethical decision making. In the article by Galbreath (2010) we find evidence that ethical responsibility comes third after economic and legal responsibilities. In particular, the first and foremost responsibility of enterprises is to create products that customers want, create jobs, and generate profits, while the second responsibility is to comply with all relevant laws (Galbreath, 2010). Ethical responsibility in business in this perspective refers to meeting social expectations not written as law (Galbreath, 2010). The major issue in defining business ethics is similar to the definition of ethics as a whole, to be exact the fact that each company can have different moral compass and different evaluation of what is wrong and right. Therefore, one way or another business ethics is about following certain moral principles.
Here's an example of a definition essay from our service. Feel free to study its structure and format to guide your own work. If you're interested, you can always and get high-quality paper from our platform at any time.
Understanding what Wi-Fi really is can protect you and your information. When used correctly and safely, Wi-Fi is an essential part of the 21st-century experience. Whether you’re watching your favorite show or finishing up a research paper, you should know more about how data travels to and from your device.
The basic structure of a definition essay is the same whether you’re defining a concrete or abstract concept. Here is an example definition essay for an abstract concept.
H2: How to Write a Definition in an Essay
Consequently, business ethics is difficult to define because this term differs for each business entity and can mean different things depending on the environment businesses operate in. Ethical responsibilities are not a priority for corporations, unlike economic and legal responsibilities, while having ethical code does not ensure ethical decision making. Overall, business ethics implies three crucial elements, namely doing what is right, awareness about long-term effects of present actions, and practical ethical decision making.
Take a look at the following example of a definition essay;
To choose a good topic for a definition essay, aim for a term that can be explored in depth, allowing for various interpretations and perspectives. Here are some ideas across different themes:
Extended Definition Essay Example
As a rule, emotional intelligence definitions include the concept of cognitive abilities of processing information about emotions. In the article by Mayer, Roberts, and Barsade (2008) we find a notion that emotional intelligence refers to the “ability to carry out accurate reasoning focused on emotions” as well as the ability to use emotional knowledge to enhance thought (p.507). In other words, this definition refers to evaluating emotions of other people in a certain way that ultimately helps improve the process of decision making by providing additional information about the environment and situations. However, in definition provided by Salovey, Mayer, Caruso, and Yoo (2008) indicates that emotional intelligence refers not only to the ability to process information about emotions of other people, but to perceive, appraise, and express emotion accurately and adaptively. To be exact, this stance on emotional intelligence refers to a broader spectrum of skills and abilities because it addresses the role of expressing emotions in response to the environment. Overall, the concept of emotional intelligence does not have a generally accepted definition.
Family Definition Essay Example
Despite variety of definitions, emotional intelligence is about the ability to effectively adapt to the environment. Nelis, Quoidbach, Mikolajczak, and Hansenne (2009) state that emotional intelligence has four dimensions, including emotional knowledge, emotional identification, emotional utilization, and emotional regulation. This definition of emotional intelligence determines this ability as a way people respond to pressure, which is another aspect of adaptation. While intelligence is defined as the ability to learn and reason about specific information, emotional intelligence refers to the mental ability to reason about information about emotions (Mayer et al., 2008). The relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptation is important to include in the definition of this concept because this ability creates the basis for understanding other people’s emotions and express our own emotions.
Argument of Definition Essay Example
You just need to ask a question when finding a prompt for a definition essay. Here are some possible topics for your next definition essay. Note that the list includes both concrete and abstract terms and spans a range of subjects.