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Regions that have been affected by climate change are countless hence the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change suggested measures that can be followed to curb the problem of climate change (United Nations, 1992, p. 2). All states are required to agree with that the world is in danger of climate change and comply with the rules.

In order to estimate how greenhouse gases will impact farming, we must examine the range of climate change predictions. We also must predict what farming will look like in the distant future. Climate change will occur slowly. The impacts we are concerned about will occur in the second half of the 21st century. It is consequently important to project what agriculture will look like in 50 to 100 years because it is this future system that will be affected. How large will the farming sector become, what practices will they use, where will future farms be located? We can only predict with uncertainty what future farmers will be like. For example, farm productivity has been increasing at a rate of 1-2 percent a year for many decades. This will likely continue in the near future as new technological tools such as biotechnology are exploited. However, no one can be certain whether the speed of advances can continue at this pace or whether it will gradually fall over time. How modern or technologically intensive will future farms become? As farms continue to modernize, will the new technologies be less sensitive to climate or more sensitive? Where will new farms be located? Will they continue to expand in tropical zones as they have the last few decades or will they move to the temperate zone? The answers to these basic questions about future agriculture will help determine what global warming will likely do to the agricultural sector.

The gradually increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases will lead to gradually increasing global temperatures and more precipitation. The global temperature increases, however, are not likely to be uniform across the planet. Most climate models agree that the temperature increases will be larger in the higher latitudes and that they will be greater at night than during the day. That is, global warming will increase average temperatures but it will also decrease the range of temperatures both through the day (diurnal cycle) and across latitudes. Most climate models, however, disagree about the remaining seasonal and geographic patterns of climate change. That is, the models do not provide a consistent pattern of seasonal changes nor do they predict consistent local patterns of change. Local temperatures and precipitation can vary across a much wider range than average annual global temperatures. What will happen to local farmers over time will depend on what happens to local climate outcomes. Thus, outcomes for individual farmers are highly uncertain. What happens to farmers in the aggregate however can be stated with more certainty as the local climate perturbations average out.

Example hooks for climate change essay:

Climate justice requires sharing the burdens and benefits of climate change and its resolution equitably and fairly. It brings together justice between generations and justice within generations. In particular it requires that attempts to address injustice between generations through curbing greenhouse gas emissions do not end up creating injustice in our time by hurting the presently poor and vulnerable.

In this respect, the reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provide a very clear summary of the climate science involved, together with suggestions about how to move forward.

The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases is predicted to increase average global temperatures gradually. The range of changes in global average temperature predicted by climate scientists over the next century are presented in Figure 3 (IPCC, 1996). There is uncertainty about the full magnitude of the temperature response because scientists do not know the temperature sensitivity of the planet with certainty. Further, the full temperature increase from any specific level of greenhouse gas concentration takes several decades to be realized because of lagged effects from the oceans. Although the atmosphere responds relatively quickly to changes in heat sources, the ocean responds more slowly. The long lags between emissions and climate changes are due largely to the time that it takes to heat the deeper parts of the ocean. The ocean is important because it moves heat from the equator towards the poles. As the deeper parts of the ocean warm, more heat is transferred. Such lags are evident even in seasonal patterns of temperature as the hottest times of the year in high latitudes follow the longest days of the year by 4 to 6 weeks. However, with climate change, one is considering more permanent and therefore deeper ocean changes that can take 30-40 years to reach equilibrium.

The transformative power of education under-pins other principles, making their successful adoption more likely and inculcating into cultures a deeper awareness of human rights and climate justice than is presently to be found. To achieve climate stabilisation will necessitate radical changes in lifestyle and behaviour and education has the power to equip future generations with the skills and knowledge they will need to thrive and survive.

To start an essay about climate change, follow these steps:

Scientist have not formed consensus on whether the effects of the climate change will get worse or will improve. Similarly predicting the changes in the rainfall patterns and other natural phenomena is challenging as the process is complicated and may require more investigations.

10 causes of climate change essay include:

When faced by climate change, some people prefer to adopt a business-as-usual (do-nothing) approach. Perhaps they are worried about losing money or their job, if fossil fuels are phased out. Maybe they don’t trust ‘greens’. Or maybe they have faith in future technology to solve the problem. Either way, the business-as-usual (do-nothing) approach can’t stop the ice melting or the seas rising.

Argumentative Essay About Climate Change

The prismatic complexity of climate change is what makes it so challenging to address, but this also means everyone can have a role in charting a smoother human journey. I’ve come to see the diversity of human temperaments and societal models and environmental circumstances and skills as kind of perfect for the task at hand. We need edge pushers and group huggers, faith and science, and—more than anything—dialogue and effort to find room for agreement even when there are substantial differences.

Argumentative Essay About Climate Change And Global Warming

In line with Lambeck (2010), the changes can be severe and affect a state’s economic, social and political trends. Climate change in rise of temperature will affect the wind patterns and consequently the amount of rainfall will be affected. Unpredictable weather will be very frequent as some of the weather events will be ruthless. The scientists also believe that reduction in the emission of green house gases will significantly lessen the adverse effects of climate change. They also note that failure to take action to save the world will lead to the worst.

Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

It’s great to be passionate and idealistic about creating a totally clean planet with no greenhouse gases and no pollution, but your climate change essay should avoid utopianism. The truth is, while fossil fuels can and should be sharply reduced, we’re going to need them for quite a while yet. What’s more, COVID-19 surely teaches us that there’s a limit to the amount of change that people can tolerate.