18 essay on overpopulation causes, effects and solutions.
Poverty in India is considered to be one of the prime causes of overpopulation. Poverty leads to illiteracy and lack of awareness on issues like – contraceptive use and family planning; this, leading to a uncontrolled population growth in deprived areas.
The cause of overpopulation in the world is many and they differ from place to place. At one place migration might causing it, at another place it might have been caused due to poverty. Whatever the cause may be, we must take necessary steps to reduce overpopulation.
The main causes for overpopulation in India and other similar developing countries differ slightly from that of the world. Overpopulation in India is caused by factors like poverty, ignorance, lack of family planning, child labour, and reduced mortality rate, interstate immigration etc.
Essay Overpopulation Cause Effects : — 5 possible solutions to ....
There are many effects of overpopulation in the world. Overpopulation in a place causes scarcity of available resources leading to deprivation and poverty. Moreover, it also causes unemployment, as the number of persons in need of a particular job, large outgrows the total number of actual vacancies. Two of the most common effects of overpopulation- social and health are discussed below.
Overpopulation adversely impacts the economy. Rising prices cause less savings and make the working and middle classes more vulnerable to economic distress. In developing countries, people are forced to go without clean water or adequate food and live in squalid conditions.
Overpopulation and its effects on climate change and resource depletion is an urgent global issue that demands immediate attention and action. As the world's population continues to grow, the strain on the planet's resources and the impact on the environment become increasingly apparent. In the article "Overpopulation and Climate Change," Arthur H. Westing highlights the alarming fact that as early as 1970, greenhouse gas emissions had already exceeded sustainable levels with a global population of 3.7 billion. Today, with a […]
Manila, the bustling capital of the Republic of the Philippines, is not only the political and economic heart of the nation but also the densest city on Earth. Overpopulation in the Philippines, particularly in urban areas like Manila, has profound implications for the nation. This essay explores the causes of this density, the effects on the city and country, and potential solutions to mitigate these challenges. Causes of Overpopulation in Manila and the Philippines The origins of overpopulation in the […]
Causes Of Overpopulation Essays Causes Of Overpopulation Essays
One of the major problems that results from "political instability" is that overpopulated countries often end up in or even provoke wars, whether they are civil wars or conflicts between nations. It is so easy for a government in an overpopulated country to rely on the scapegoat of "enemy" in order to divert the attention of the people from the real problems - social and economic inequality and the perpetual shortages of resources because of the overpopulation. This is evident when the government changes its policies and refocuses on military and defense - its spending skyrockets and the civil rights of people are often subordinated. As a direct consequence of the civil rights abuses in the times of instability, there are fewer and fewer citizens who trust the government or have faith in democratic solutions - which only perpetuates the problems associated with overpopulation. This is also true for the international conflicts, where overpopulated nations struggle for resources. A good example is the conflicts between Chad and Sudan and the genocide in Darfur - having just come out of a 20-year civil war between the Muslim and Christian south and north of Sudan, the region is rife with "political instability" because of competition for resources. When Sudan gained its independence from Britain, the "political instability" began again - because of the struggle between the "liberation" forces and the 'alleged' terrorists, the country supposes the US economical sanctions and is officially proclaimed as a sponsor of terrorism by the US. Obviously, such situation can never be a good long-term strategy for the political and economical development in overpopulated countries - yet the recent discovery of oil in the southern territories of Sudan and subsequent "land-grabbing" and forced removal of local people indicate that the relationships and attitudes are unlikely to change in the near future. The worst consequences are suffered by the ordinary citizens - the same as in any other case of the "political instability". The conflict between government and opposition oftentimes eases into the restrictions and outright prohibitions on any manifestations of resistance: media is being censored, the freedom of speech and assembly are violently oppressed, and the opposition leaders and activists are being terrorized and assassinated. Alas, in the situation of overpopulation, the truth is that the opposition is usually too weak and divided to overthrow the regime - and civil rights violations and abuse become an everyday reality in the lives of ordinary people. In the long run, it is situations like these that make overpopulation not just a social and economical issue, but a security issue for the entire humanity. So long as the human beings continue to put short-term comforts before long-term welfare and turn the blind eye to the usage of wars 'to control the population' or 'to protect the national interests' in the manifestly overpopulated countries, the vicious circle of "political instability" and violation of human rights in the overpopulated countries will never end.
Overpopulation Essay in English for Students | 500 Words Essay
Overpopulation in area causes evident social and health effects on the individuals and the society as a whole. From poor health and hygiene conditions to natural resource depletion, unemployment and increase in criminal activities – overpopulation has a hand in all these adversities. It therefore becomes important that we take necessary remedial measures before the populations goes beyond the specified limit.
Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Consequences Essay
Overpopulation is a term that refers to a condition in which the density enlarges to a limit that provokes environmental deterioration. A population is too large, and there is a negative impact on the quality of life. The population is increasing speedily, and we can see the effects of overpopulation in cities - vivacity, traffic jams, poor air and water quality, high unemployment, poverty, and crime. It is a major social problem because of the large number of people suffering due to the necessities of life, the high cost of living, and the environmental problems like lack of space and food, environmental pollution, and climate change. This topic is very immense. First, I am going to look at the definition of overpopulation. Then, I will proceed to the main effects and then the solutions. Overpopulation can have many effects, most of which are negative as outlined in the next part of this essay.