Here are a few examples to help you cite your sources in MLA format:

Writing your first paper in MLA format can be a bit scary. Use this simple yet comprehensive MLA style guide on all things MLA 8 to take you through the step-by-step process of creating your MLA paper. Use the MLA citation generator to create a detailed works cited page with properly formatted MLA citations. The comprehensive examples and illustrations ensure you don’t get led astray in your MLA format essay.

Use MLA format for the final draft of every piece of academic, including essays, , and research papers, that you do in your arts and humanities courses. That means English, arts, philosophy, religion, and ethics courses and any other classes you take that fall within these subjects.

For more on block quotes and a further, detailed explanation on the use of quotes, including MLA footnotes, refer to our and Parenthetical Citations Guide. In this guide you’ll find further information including directions for the use of quotes without an author, page numbers, and how to properly credit work from electronic sources.

How to Cite an Essay in MLA | EasyBib Citations

Since most schools’ requirements include humanities courses, there’s a good chance you’ll write a paper in MLA format at some point. Below, we explain how the MLA format works and what sets it apart from Chicago and APA formats. We’ll also cover how to cite sources in MLA format, with examples.

There’s no need to format your first draft or any other documents that your professor won’t see, though you certainly can use MLA format throughout the if you’d prefer. One benefit of doing this is that you’ll see approximately how many pages your final draft will span before you reach that stage.

MLA format is a set of formatting and citation guidelines for how an academic paper should look, similar to other styles such as Chicago or APA format. We use MLA format for topics in the humanities, including languages, philosophy, and the arts, but not history (which uses Chicago) or the social sciences, like psychology or education (which use APA format).

When citing a saying in MLA, you treat it like a direct quote, using quotation marks around the saying and including the author's last name and page number in parentheses after the quote, if available. For example: (Johnson 45). You can use the author's last name or a shortened title version if the saying is from an online source with no page numbers.

Essay Writing] How to write an in-text citation in MLA format ..

To cite an example in-text in MLA format, you include the author's last name and the page number in parentheses after the quoted or paraphrased material. For example: (Smith 123). If the source has no page numbers, use the author's last name only. If there's no author, use a shortened version of the title.

MLA Format Citation: Full Guide with Examples and Tips | EssayPro

When citing a website in-text in MLA, you include the author's last name (if available) and the page number (if applicable) in parentheses after the information you've used from the website. If there's no author, use a shortened version of the title. For example: (Smith) or ("Title of Article"). If there are no page numbers, omit them from the citation.

How to cite an essay from a book that includes a collection ..

While most of your references will probably be printed sources like books, articles, and others, in some cases you may also need to cite alternative non-print materials. In this part of our guide, we will focus on the general rules of citing different non-print sources and will provide a clear MLA citation example for each.

MLA Format Citation Generator (Free) & Quick Guide

For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the . To cite a critical essay published in the same volume as a literary work, follow the .

How to Cite ANY Source in MLA Format (In-text Citations)

When you're borrowing information from a source and placing it in your research or assignment, it’s important to give credit to the original author. This is done by creating an MLA citation. Depending on the type of information you're including in your work, you may place citations in the body of your project and in a works-cited list at the end of your project.

FREE MLA Format Citation Generator

While the MLA Works Cited page might have highly variable entries based on their source types, in-text citations mostly look similar. The biggest change applies when the author is not known, or if the cited source is not printed. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to cite sources in MLA based on their type.